Back to School – Safety tips

Back to School Safety tips during the COVID-19 pandemic
One of the biggest challenges parents are managing right now is how to deal during the COVID-19 pandemic for the safety of their kids
And the big question is: Is it safe to send their kid back to school ?
Ways to ensure your kids for a safe back to school routine
You must have spent the entire summer reminding yourself about the everyday precautions your kid needed to take to prevent getting sick. Inspite of all your efforts you’ve probably caught your kids repeating several things like leaving mask in the car , standing way too close to other people , forgetting to wash hands after touching common surfaces, touching face quite often.
As you prepare to send your kid back to school, be sure to reinforce everyday Covid-18 precautions he or she need to keep in mind.
1. Wearing a mask
2. Washing hands
3. Social distancing
4. Not to share food
5. Avoid touching common surfaces
6. Know the symptoms of COVID-19
7. COVID-19 Awareness

‘’If a safety procedure is a consistent requirement, kids become used to it and see it as necessary and even become advocates for it’’
Safety procedures become a routine for kids if followed consistently.

How Parents Can Prepare
Parents should model health and safety behaviors at home. Families can practice wearing a mask and proper handwashing. Talk to your kid about the upcoming changes to the school environment. Use simple words and bring familiar situations into the conversation. Children respond well to the word “safety” because they are used to following rules for crossing the street or wearing helmets and seatbelts.
The best way is to Discussing information with your children in a calm and age-appropriate ways.

How schools are managing during COVID-19 pandemic
Schools are taking all preventive measures and applying all safety precautions for the students and the staff. Children will be studying together in small bubbles of about 10 pupils. All schools are offering reduced student Capacity models with different time slots. The priority and focus will be on carefully planned activities that are designed to upskill student’s understandings and awareness of the health and safety measures and expectations in the school along with class routines and procedures.

Dubai launches back-to-school helpline to address COVID-19 related queries

To provide parents, students and staff members in private schools in Dubai with an effective and convenient mechanism to address COVID-19 related queries, the Dubai Health Authority has launched a dedicated 24/7 back-to-school helpline at phone number 800588.

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